PANAAWTM Call for Proposals for Regional Network Gatherings (2024)
PANAAWTM announces a call for proposals to begin establishing regional networks by hosting one day forums or conferences that aim to bring together students, ministers, community partners, and scholars from the region whose vocations align with PANAAWTM’s mission and identity. Successful applications will articulate how the proposed one day in person or hybrid forum or conference will strengthen the regional network’s sense of community and support participants in their work.
Applications can propose a range of activities, including but not limited to: a lunch forum with a speaker; a regional gathering that meets to participate as a group in the PANAAWTM 2024 virtual annual conference; a half day conference; a writing workshop; a public panel or other event, and more. There are many ways in which regional networks can support participants.
This call for proposals is made possible by a modest $30,000 grant awarded to PANAAWTM by the Carpenter Foundation. PANAAWTM will use this grant to fund up to 6 regional network proposals with awards of up to $4000 each. Each award will include an additional $1000 stipend for the regional coordinator who leads the network’s planning and implementation of its proposal. All forums and conferences must be completed by or before September 30, 2024, with a summary report of the gathering required by October 15, 2024.
In keeping with the conditions of the Carpenter Grant award and the regional discussions held at the 2023 PANAAWTM annual meeting, PANAAWTM specifically aims to fund one proposal each from the following US regions:
Los Angeles, CA (SoCal region)
Atlanta, GA (Southeast region)
New York, NY (Northeast region)
And one proposal each from up to three of the following regions:
San Francisco Bay Area, CA (NorCal region)
Pacific Northwest region
Midwest region
Denver, CO
Applications of 2-3 (maximum) single spaced pages should include the following information:
Name of the region; Names, titles, affiliated organizations, and contact information of a steering committee of 2 or more people, including the regional coordinator. If the regional coordinator is a student, the steering committee should include a faculty member.
Intended meeting date and location.
Meeting theme, format, and a brief outline of the meeting plan. The meeting should take place over half a day or a full day, depending on location of the meeting and locations of anticipated participants.
Anticipated number of participants.
Intended outcomes of the meeting.
Detailed budget and additional funding (if applicable).
Name and contact information of organization’s business manager, if the group anticipates choosing option 2 under “Award Distribution and Record of Expenditures.”
Applications Due: January 10, 2024.
Notification of Awards: January 31, 2024.
Deadline to complete regional forums or conferences: September 30, 2024.
Final reports due October 15, 2024.
Award Distribution and Record of Expenditures
Regional awardees must elect to receive their funding in one of two ways:
(1) by reimbursement of expenditures made; or
(2) by having the full award sent to the organization, agency, or institution with which the regional coordinator is affiliated, and whose business manager has agreed to manage and keep a record of expenditures on behalf of the regional group.
In order to proceed with option 2, the regional coordinator’s formal acceptance of the award must be accompanied by a brief statement from the respective business manager indicating that the business manager agrees: (a) to oversee and keep a record of all account expenditures, and (b) to return all unused award monies to PANAAWTM at the end of the grant period.
Submission Link
Submit proposals here: PANAAWTM Regional Network Gathering Proposal Submission