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Student of the Month: Eunchong Kim

Eunchong Kim (she, her, hers)

Eunchong Kim was born and raised in South Korea. She came to the United States in 2019 to pursue an M.Div. at Candler School of Theology at Emory University. She is a third-year M.Div. student and a candidate for ordination in the United Methodist Church in North Georgia Conference. Before coming to Candler, she studied at Ewha Womans University in Seoul, South Korea, and received her Master of Arts majoring in Christian Ethics.

What has been most useful for you to learn as an M.Div. student? How will you use that in your call?

The insights from professors have been most useful for my learning as an M.Div. student. There have been many good professors who taught me wisdom for ministry and great academic knowledge. Although I learned from books and friends at school, the professors who have already gone through life cycles and studied a lot have been the greatest resource for me to learn and grow as an M.Div. student.

What have you learned from your leadership experiences? What student activities have you been involved in/led?

I served as the president of Emory Korean Graduate School Association (EKGSA) at Candler during the last academic year, which was a transforming event for me. I learned that community experience could comfort and bring joy to students amid thought-provoking, but sometimes exhausting graduate student life. Warm and joyful experiences in my community have sustained my journey at Candler. I hope to help other friends also continue to go forward within the community.

How would you describe yourself?

I find myself joyful in ministry experiences and exciting in interacting with scholars through their writings. I love to interact with friends, and I also love to read and write on my interests, spending time with myself. With this character, I would be happy if I could be a bridge between communities and individual, church and academia, in my future.

What are you looking forward to most this year?

This is my last year of my M.Div. program at Candler. Before graduation, I look forward to reaching out to other amazing friends and professors at Candler whom I haven’t yet interacted for the last two years. As I am in an in-between period to pursue the next step of my life journey, I am trying to do my best to accomplish this step and then looking forward to what will happen in my next year.

Could you please share a quote that resonates with you?

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight” (Proverbs 9:10) This is my family slogan, and I try to keep this in my mind as I live, learn, and go into the world.

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